Library Facility

The availability of library facilities in educational institutes is essential for enhancing learning and facilitating intellectual growth for students. At P.N National Public School, we provide access to diverse resources, including books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and digital resources for our students. We believe library facilities serve valuable resource and promotes lifelong learning among students. We provide opportunities for personal growth, self-study and encourage continuous learning in our students through the following:

Knowledge and Resource Hub

At P.N National Public School, we offer a wide range of knowledge and a variety of resources such as books, reference materials, periodicals, e-books, databases, multimedia content, and other online resources for both students and teachers. We give access to these resources that allow students to acquire knowledge, conduct research, and deepen their understanding of various subjects.

Organised Section:

Our well-defined sections within the library with separate different types of learning resources give easy access to students. We ensure that all the books are shelved in numerical or alphabetical order, making it convenient for students to browse and find what they need. Our well-defined sections within the library helps students to navigate to different types of resource materials.

Academic Support

We provide access to relevant and up-to-date study materials, reference books, and resources for students working on the projects. We encourage self-study that allows students to improve their learning, acquire data for assignments, and broaden their subject knowledge.

Group Study Areas

We have designated particular space in library as group study zones so that students can discuss without disturbing others. We offer group study spaces at our library with a focused environment for larger groups for discussion.

Quiet Study Area:

We provide quiet study area room equipped with individual desk for focused studying. Our designated reading room help students in their self study. The tranquil atmosphere in our library rooms allows students to concentrate on their work.


Our library offers periodicals such as magazines, journals, and newspapers for our students. We provide them the latest information on a wide range of topics. We have kept periodicals at designated sections for scholarly works, articles and in-depth case studies for a deeper comprehension of a subject than what is in textbooks.

Reading Rooms

We provide designated spaces for the students to read, study, and engage with library materials in a quiet and focused environment. Our comfortable and conducive atmosphere at the library fosters a love for reading and supports recreational reading habits.

Librarian Assistance:

We provide valuable service librarian assistance at P.N National Public School to guide students, faculty, and other library users in collecting, accessing information, and carrying out research.

Digital Resource

We provide digital resources in a library such as e-books and digital versions of printed books for the students. These digital resources accessed via computers, smartphones, or other digital devices connected to the internet. We also provide access to encyclopedias, dictionaries, and specialised reference resources online for our students to support skill development.

Our well-equipped library facility fosters a love for learning and supports the holistic development of students. We emphasize students’ overall growth through a learning environment. Our educational resources and facilities elevate students’ personal growth and continue to be the Best CBSE school in Gorakhpur by instilling curiosity in our students.

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