Admission Process

  • Minimum age for admission to class Play Group is 2 years 6 months, LKG – 3 years 6 months and to class UKG is 4 years 6 months at the beginning of the session (i.e. on 1st April of the year).
  • The School would inform parents about interview and selection process in due course of time.

Students who are under transfer from schools (including outside U.P. ) must have their Transfer Certificates counter-signed by the Inspector of Schools of the state concerned.

For admission to UKG and class I, parents are required to submit

  • A photocopy of the date of birth certificate of their wards issued by a competent authority at the time of registration.
  • Two passport size photographs of the ward and one each of the parents.
  • Requisite admission form.

For admission to other classes a certificate from the head of the institution where the student is presently studying, will have to be produced at the time of registration. The Original copy of the Birth Certificate must be produced for verification when required. Application for admission should be given in the appropriate form. Children, along with their parents, will be interviewed, if necessary, by the Principal.

Admissions are made only in classes LKG( age 3-1/2 plus) UKG (4-1/2 plus).

Admissions to classes I to IX (only transfer cases) are considered during the months of March-June.

Prospectus and application form can be obtained from the school office and completed application forms could be got registered by paying a registration fee.

  • The application for admission must be given on the appropriate form. The school reserves the right to test the child in any or all subjects.
  • The school reserves the right to select or reject any application. The decision of the school authorities is final as far as granting / refusal of admission is concerned.
  • Parents are requested to give an advance notice of at least a month for the withdrawal of their wards. Otherwise, a fee equivalent to the tuition fee of one month shall be charged for issuing the transfer certificate.
  • Annual Examination (Class VI onwards) are held in March.
  • Cumulative assessment of the whole year for the child is considered for promotion into the next class.
  • A student who fails twice in the same class will have to be withdrawn from the School.


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